Tuesday 30 March 2010

Time to PANIC !!!!!!

Got a phone call from Lee today while I was at work to say the estate agents had rung... "oh no" was my first reaction "whats happened??" ... my second
Lee said "oh no it's not bad news" everything has gone through smoothly just one document for us to sign so we need to start looking at moving dates. OK I say just not 9th - 12th of May as we are away....
Lee says oh it wont be then they say it could be as soon as two weeks time.

"WHAT?????????" was my reaction then panic I haven't packed a single thing yet !!!!

Good job I have 2 days off now, me thinks a box run is in order so I can get my ass organised.

Wish me luck

Thursday 25 March 2010

Not long now....

We are nearing completion on our house sale :-)

We have people coming to meet the dog today, fingers crossed they all love each other. xxx

We are starting to look at properties to rent in Lethbridge and really like what we are seeing in terms of rentals.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Good news

Our buyers have been to the house today for another look around before we exchange contracts in the next week or so, (we haven't told them we are emigrating as we heard that other ex pats have been given lower offers on their properties as they think your desperate to sell)
Anyhow..... they asked if we would be willing to sell on any of our stuff as they love the house just they way it is!! (result) Had to stop ourselves from biting their hands off and told them to make a list of things they were interested in and we would get back to them with a price. They want pretty much everything.. settees, dining table, fridge freezer, washer dryer. dishwasher, two of our T.V.'s curtains and our leather sleigh bed. Stuff we were trying to decide what to do with...
Things seem to be going smoothly :-)

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Really must get organised !!

I really need to get myself organised and start packing, everytime i open a cupboard and make a start I get distacted by all the stuff thats been stuffed in there for years.... lol

Lee leaves in approximately 90 days and we move out in about 4 weeks and I haven't even started. Arrrrrggggghh!!

Sunday 7 March 2010

London Baby ........

We spent the day in London yesterday with our good friends Deb & Mick, we set off at 5:30am as we had a drop at the University at Mile End for Mick's courier firm then we had the day to ourselves and had to pick back up after 6pm to return home.....

We got a little lost on the tube but eventually made it to Waterloo and headed straight for the London Eye. We were here for around 11am so the queues weren't too bad. We were on within about 10 Min's. The views of London are amazing from way up there....

We walked down the south bank and then headed over the bridge to Horse Guards and watched the changing of the guards.

After this we headed to Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square after our long walk round we headed to O Niells for our lunch After we had our fill of food we decided to walk through St James park to see Buckingham Palace

From there we walked back to Westminster and jumped on the tube to go back to Mile End to start our 3.5 hour drive home

A truly fabulous day

Friday 5 March 2010

LMO Approved !!!!!!!

Recieved an Email from Eugenie yesterday confirming that Lee's LMO has officially been approved!!! Should find out our flight dates etc soon.

Still trying to decide what to do with Zeb (our dog) think re-homing is going to be the kindest option for him in the long run but still so undecided.