Thursday 29 April 2010

Contracts Exchanged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We exchanged contracts yesterday and have our moving out date...........
6Th of May..... a week today

Moved some of our furniture next door to my mum's yesterday as we will be living their until we make our final journey to Canada.

Eeeeeek best get organised

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Car Boot

I have been working away from home on a new client account and I am only home on Saturday & Sunday, with the house sale getting nearer and nearer to completion the need to get rid of some of our stuff is becoming imminent.

I arrived home on Friday Tea-time and of course it was straight to the pub for a carvery and a pint (priorities)

Saturday was spent in York as Lee had a valuable day off and we don't get many of those together. I spoilt myself with a pretty Pandora bracelet.

We decided Saturday evening to pack up the rest of our stuff that we are not storing at mum's or taking with us into boxes and to do a Sunday car boot. Seemed like a good idea at the time!!

When Lee woke me up at 04:30 It didn't seem like such a great idea - I had no idea there were 2 four thirties in a Sunday!!!! After much negotiating Lee refused to do the car boot himself and I dragged my sorry ass out of bed.

We arrived nice and early and joined the queue to make sure we got a good pitch. The sun was shining and I was in my vest top in no time and caught a bit of sun too!! We made a healthy profit and decided not to repeat the experience and have given the rest of the stuff to Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice for them to sell and raise funds.

I am back on my secret mission again until Friday so will catch up again at the weekend.....

Sunday 11 April 2010

best get cracking

Found this on Wiki some good stuff on it

Departure To Do List

Book flight to Canada
Get travel and health insurance (single package) for me/family
Book shipping space
Put house on market Done
Inform landlord/agent of moving out date
Inform building society re mortgage
Get reference from letting agency
Get reference from building society re mortgage
Check will. Appoint Power of Attorney if required
Resign from job/inform work colleagues
Inform bank and organise opening of account in Canada if possible
Check UK bank account is still valid for overseas residence. Before you leave UK get local bank telephone number and contact name so you do not have to go through a call centre once you have moved
Inform Council Tax office and check correct days paid for in the month of leaving/get rebate
Organise stuff for first car-boot sale
Cancel subscriptions to clubs/societies/Readers’ Digest etc
Resign from committees/organisations/clubs etc
Post ‘For Sale’ poster in works canteen/works noticeboard listing stuff for sale with prices Done
Sell caravan/boat/Wendy house/kennel
Sell car(s) Done
Get open references from employer(s) Done
Get open references from friends
Inform electricity company and make arrangements for account closure
Inform water board and make arrangements for account closure
Inform gas company and make arrangements for account closure
Inform telephone company and make arrangements for account closure
Inform internet provider and make arrangements for account closure
Get rebate form from TV Licensing for refund
Inform Sky TV and make arrangements for account closure
Inform mobile phone company and make arrangements for account closure
Arrange forwarding of post to relative with Post Office for 1 year or arrange for overseas redirection
Organise stuff for second car boot sale
Inform Benefits Agency to get up to date statement of pension
Arrange Class 2 or 3 NI contributions
Inform life insurance company and check validity of plans
Set up e-banking facilities
Renew all credit cards and bank cards for maximum validity dates
Inform Inland Revenue – get form P85
Organise stuff for third car boot sale
Change of address cards and sign on for Hotmail/Yahoo addresses
Get eyes tested
Get teeth checked
Get repeat prescriptions to cover first three months in Canada.
Get dental records and latest x-rays from dentist
Get medical record print-out or summary from surgery
Get copies of Hospital inpatient/outpatient treatment
Get eye-examination record from optician
Get reference letters from every kind of insurance company possible (house insurance, car insurance, etc.) and reference letters from utility companies (electricity, water, etc.). This may enable you to negotiate somewhat more reasonable insurance premiums when you get to Canada and/or enable you to open accounts with utility companies without having to pay hefty deposits.
To make things go more smoothly when you apply for a mortgage in Canada, get a reference letter from your bank and obtain a credit report from Equifax, Experian, or Call Credit (Equifax is the credit bureau that Canadian lenders most readily recognize). Keep in mind that a Canadian lender will want a current credit report (one that has been issued within the last 30 days).
Re-write CV as Canadian style resume
Back up all data files on floppy discs eg Word, Excel etc
See vet about pets
Get International Driving Licence
Organise big IMM 1000 party
Hire skip for rubbish and stuff
Organise getting to airport on departure day
Book hotel/B&B/Hostel/Park Bench in Canada for first night
Download and print customs declaration forms (see Goods To Follow )
Produce file of all required documents in plastic covers
Photocopy birth certificate(s)
Photocopy passport(s)
Photocopy all academic certificates
Photocopy CV and resume(s)
Buy spending currency
Buy travelers cheques for first fortnight
Organise house cleaning luncheon party
Cancel car insurance from set date and get refund
Cancel building and house contents insurance and get refund
Send NHS registration card(s) back to the Health Authority
Call utility companies with last minute meter readings
Send off for Drivers record from DVLA
Get NCB letters completed by Vehicle ins companies
TIP – Once moved you very often have to follow-up on things back in the UK (e.g., bank, insurance, utilities, etc.), so get yourself a notebook and write down all your account numbers along with telephone numbers that can be accessed from abroad that are NOT 08** numbers as these are very expensive to call from overseas - Saynoto0870 is good for finding these out.

Sky you need to give 28 days notice but can call about a week before the 28 days and give advance notice.
Buy travel adaptors (laptop and mobile chargers are 220/110 so you only need an adaptor but the phone charges very slowly)
Doctors records take a few days so don't leave for last minute
Type up template letters for utility companies with blank spots for meter readings, get envelopes stamped so you can take meter readings and post on way to airport
Get school records from kids school
If you have a baby stock up on scented nappy sacks as the only place we have found that sells them is Walmart
Get dvd player unlocked if you are taking it (people sell discs/remotes on eBay)
Get mobiles unblocked (I have a Nokia 6680 and the market guys couldn't do it so Vodaphone got me the code for 20 pounds but ask early as it takes up to 28 days and they ended up having to email it to me)
If you plan to get a Pet Passport allow extra time. 1st Microchip, 2nd Rabies Injection, 3rd Blood tests FOUR weeks after injections, 4th Passport issued FOUR weeks later once blood results back
Trip to Costco, to stock up on things the family might miss!

Much Better

Just an update to say Thank-you to all those that sent their good wishes last week when my Mum was so ill.
She is now out of hospital after an operation to repair 3 holes in her oesophagus, not a pleasant procedure as it is done with the camera as it is seen as less invasive. She is still not 100% but is much improved :-)

Not long now til we move out of our home, really going to have to organise myself now as will be away from home for 2-3 weeks Monday - Friday. Lee worried they might want us to move out whilst I'm away and that he might have to organise everything!! Would love to be a fly on that wall.... ha ha

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Un-happy Easter

Easter has been a bit of a washout for me, my Mum was taken into hospital on Easter Sunday :-(

She has had an operation on Sunday night and is on her way to being back on her feet but is still in hospital. So I've been doing the daily visits as well as going to work and making sure that my Dad is looking after himself in her absence, I'm bloody knackered!!! But they're worth it ,hopefully she will be well enough to come home tomorrow

Can't help but wonder whether my Dad would have coped will all the stress without us.....